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GIF Church Assistance

Bear one another’s burdens, and thus fulfill the law of Christ.”

(Galatians 6:2)

Church Assistance
by Larry Burkett

There will be times when Christians in need should approach their church families for financial assistance. That’s totally biblical, and the precedent is seen clearly in Scripture.

Although most churches can help a family in need with daily living expenses, few are prepared to help with major, catastrophic medical bills. They just don’t have the resources. Of course, we would have more available if the church would obey God’s command of bringing the tithes into the storehouse.

The reason needs go unmet is because we, God’s people, are mismanaging what God has provided, spending it on our own desires.

God has no shortage of funds in His economy. Rather, there is a shortage of vision among His people today. In Haggai 1:4-6 the prophet had stern words for the people of Judah because they put their own selfish needs ahead of the work within God’s house. These words serve as quite a challenge to the American church today.

Ironically, by putting our own priorities first, we never have enough. Conversely, when we sacrificially obey God’s commands, He will supernaturally multiply our resources, providing nothing less than an abundance.

It is the story of the five loaves and two fishes all over again. That should not take us by surprise, since God has already told us that He would respond to our faith and obedience in this manner.

Lord, show me how to help someone who is in need – either through my church or individually.

Daily Scripture Reading: 

Ezra 7-8