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GIF Be a Good Follower

“If anyone serves me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there shall My servant also be; if anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him”
(John 12:26)

Be a Good Follower
by Larry Burkett

Would you rather be a follower or a leader? Leaders earn more money, get more recognition, and are more popular. Who wouldn’t rather be a leader?

But God called us to be His followers, and as followers, we honor others and build them up.

I truly believe with all my heart that one of these days we are going to show up in Heaven at the judgment seat of Christ, and when He calls all the nations of the world together we will be working for some little white-haired lady we never heard of during our lifetime. She never received any recognition, never received any great rewards in this life, but she was doing what God called her to do.

As a result, God blessed her and gave her a number one position in the kingdom of God, along with other deserving followers.

Are you following God’s calling on your life?

Daily Scripture Reading: 

Daniel 6, 9