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GIF A Decision Must Be Made

“The lovingkindness of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him, and His righteousness to children’s children, to those who keep His covenant, and who remember His precepts to do them.”

(Psalm 103:17-18)

A Decision Must Be Made
by Larry Burkett

All parents need to ask themselves how they want to be remembered by their children. 

If you are a parent, ask yourself whether you want to reinforce your own children, instill in them your beliefs, and bring them up in the way they should go. Or do you want to let someone else do it for you?

Obviously, many mothers have found ways to do this, even while working outside their homes. But, in large part, the majority of working mothers sacrifice some or all of their family goals in order to work.

It’s a tough world for kids, and it’s going to get a lot tougher. They will need all the support they can get to avoid the pitfalls Satan has skillfully laid for them.

My advice for anyone who is thinking about becoming a stay-at-home mom: When you are sure, do it! When you are in doubt, pray about it!

Positive self-worth and godly character are very important to your children. Maybe they will get this outside the home, but are you willing to take the chance? Your children only have one childhood and you only get one chance.

If you aren’t a parent, you may know someone who is struggling with this issue and you can encourage and pray for that parent today.

Teach me to do Thy will, for Thou art my God; let Thy good Spirit lead me on level ground. For the sake of Thy name, O Lord, revive me. . . . For I am Thy servant” (Psalm 143:10-12).

Daily Scripture Reading:
2 Samuel 18-19
Psalm 3