Episode 45: Called to Create With Brian Peterson
Crown Stewardship Podcast
Episode 45: Called to Create With Brian Peterson
About this episode:
This week on the Crown Stewardship Podcast, we welcome Brian Peterson, founder of Faces of Mankind. Brian grew up knowing he wanted to be an artist, and started his career as a car designer. But when he came to faith as an adult, he started using his God-given creative gifts to paint portraits of his homeless neighbors in order to show to them and those who see the paintings, that God values each one of them - and from that Faces of Santa Ana was born. Since then, Faces of Santa Ana has expanded to become Faces of Mankind. Brian has now become a mural artist with prominent walls featured all over the Southern California region. You will be inspired and encouraged as you hear powerful stories of how following God’s leading has brought him to where he is today and excited for more of what God has in store for Brian!
Podcast Highlights:
- Brian’s creative career began as a car designer. He shares a hidden detail on the Kia Sportage Interior he designed - the inspiration was the Lord!
- Brian came to faith as an adult, and the radical heart change he experienced caused him to leave his dream job in order to pursue God’s calling to steward his gifts to help those experiencing homelessness in his city.
- You’ll hear how Brian has grown from painting portraits to painting huge wall murals. Brian shares the powerful story of following God’s lead and having the opportunity to paint a mural of his childhood hero, Kobe Bryant.

About Our Guest