Episode 35: Giving Outside the Box
with Dale Losch
Crown Stewardship Podcast
Episode 35: Giving Outside the Box with Dale Losch
About this episode:
This week on the Crown Stewardship Podcast, we welcome Dale Losch, President of Crossworld and author of Giving Outside the Box. If you have ever cringed the moment a pastor started talking about tithing, don’t worry - Dale’s approach to giving is grace-based and joy-filled. You’ll be inspired as you hear stories of God’s faithfulness as Dale’s family has made giving a lifestyle, and what it looks like to make it a priority to store treasures in Heaven. The world tells us we can never have enough money, but listening to Dale will encourage and inspire you to trust God more, by giving more.
Podcast Highlights:
- Dale tells how being raised in a home where giving was a priority shaped the way he lives.
- For each year of marriage, Dale and his wife decided to give more and more to God, and each year they have seen God’s providence. Dale tells stories of how he has seen real examples of God’s provision, trusting God to meet their needs, both big and small.
- There is a wrong place to accumulate wealth, He wants us to “lay up for ourselves treasures in Heaven.” What does it look like when we use money the way God intends? And what do eternal treasures actually look like?

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