Episode 14:
Brian Peterson (Stewarding Talents to Love Your Neighbor)
Crown Stewardship Podcast
Episode 14: Brian Peterson - (Stewarding Talents to Love Your Neighbor)
About this episode:
Episode 14: We are excited to share the story of Brian Peterson on today’s podcast. Brian shares with us how God opened his eyes to the possibilities of loving and serving the needy and homeless near his home in California. He recently took a leap of faith, leaving a successful career in automotive design, to scale a solution to serve the poor and needy in cities throughout the US and around the globe.

About our Guest:
Brian Peterson, founder of Faces of Santa Ana, is an artist from Miami, Florida currently living in Santa Ana, CA. Faces of Santa Ana sets out to befriend and paint portraits of the homeless community in Santa Ana, CA. They then sell the artwork and use proceeds to help in rehabilitating their newfound friends. The mission of Faces of Santa Ana is to locally help those in need in cities around the world while also inspiring and activating creatives and supporters of the movement. They believe that the creativity they’ve been given is meant for the outward pouring of love.