To spread the principles and practices of God’s economy throughout the world.
To transform people and society through the principles and practices of God’s economy.
Statement of Faith
We believe that the Bible is the inspired, authoritative Word of God. It is without error in all its teaching.
We believe that there is one God, Lord of the universe, eternally existent in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ; in His virgin birth; in His perfect, sinless life; in His miracles; in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood; in His bodily resurrection; in His ascension to heaven to the right hand of God the Father; and in His personal and visible return in power and glory.
We believe that all people are lost sinners and that regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential.
We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.
We believe that all people will be resurrected - those who are saved to eternal life and those who are lost to eternal damnation.
We believe that God, as Creator, is the ultimate Owner of all possessions on earth. God has given people the authority to be stewards of those possessions and the responsibility to faithfully manage them according to the principles in the Word of God.
We believe God created humanity, male and female, reflecting the image and likeness of God. Each person’s biological sex has been sovereignly appointed by God and is an irreversible aspect of his or her nature. The first human, Adam, sinned and thereby incurred the judgment of both physical death and spiritual death which is eternal separation from God. Therefore, all human beings, with the exception of Christ Jesus, are born with a fallen nature, are accountable for their sin, and need to be born again. Rejection of one’s God-ordained biological sexuality reflects a rejection of God’s plans and purposes. God has established and revealed in Scripture a divine order to regulate humanity. Human institutions reflecting that order are marriage of a man and a woman, family, and human government.
Core Values
Crown’s Core Values are based on the truths contained in God’s Word. These are the fundamental guiding principles for Crown's staff, leaders and volunteers that must never be compromised...the plumb line to ensure all of our outreaches are aligned with His plans and purposes.
1. We are Christ-centered and Bible-based.
We are a movement of like-minded disciples of Jesus Christ working together for God’s Kingdom and glory – not our own. The Lord owns the ministry and He directs it. We will not waiver from the biblical principles, and we will strive for biblical accuracy in our teachings. As a spirit-led organization we seek out and listen to God’s leading in our strategy and calling. We will not trust in clever leadership, but humbly depend on Christ to direct us. The more we depend on Him for His guidance and blessing, the more fruitful the ministry will be. Both in our business and personal lives, we will model what we teach. Our priority is changing lives and helping to build the Kingdom of God. Serving in ministry is our opportunity to worship God and express our love for Christ and others.
2. We value integrity and innovation.
We want to do everything with the highest degree of integrity possible, and expect those in our movement to be people of Godly character including:
We must never become complacent with the quality of our work. It is God who allows us to accomplish anything and press on toward our calling. Therefore, we must constantly seek to improve in everything we do. At Crown, we will encourage innovation and a willingness to adapt to change. We will consistently evaluate what we are doing, comparing it to what is possible and what is needed. Our eyes are focused to look for what God blesses or opportunities that He presents to Crown to further expand the mission of Crown.
3. We value unity and collaboration.
We serve others in a spirit of grace and humility with kindness. We avoid arrogance, embarrassing others or using guilt to motivate change. Crown seeks to build a family of faith by:
Each person is unique and valuable. The worth of each person and the value of his or her contribution should always be respected. We have different backgrounds, skills, spiritual gifts, and personalities that make up the body of Christ. This God-given diversity is intended to make us more effective and to enrich our lives.
Crown will serve other ministries. We will endeavor to be supportive of other Christ-honoring organizations whenever possible. We may collaborate and form alliance partnerships with individuals, organizations, para-church organizations, denominations, and churches when mutually beneficial to the accomplishment of our missions. We aim to demonstrate kindness and generosity to help such ministries while encouraging and caring for each other.
We are committed to encouraging and influencing each other’s growth in Christ. All of us experience times of discouragement, stress and anxiety. We need to encourage one another and positively build the body of Christ. We are peacemakers. We take the initiative to apologize, build understanding and create harmony within the organization and with those we serve.
4. We value biblical stewardship.
Jesus came to seek, restore and redeem a broken world. And, the practice of biblical stewardship is an essential part of that redemption. When we care for what God has given us in the way He intended, we and those around us are blessed. Every major aspect of life is impacted by good and faithful stewardship. Crown will teach others to look beyond the temporal and live for the eternal reward of being found faithful. We have been called to be disciples and to be obedient as God’s stewards ... and we will be held accountable for it. Matthew 25 says we will either hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant” or “You wicked and slothful servant.” We will be faithful stewards of the resources God has provided Crown. We will be transparent and accountable so that we may also be found faithful in all things.
Alliance Partnerships
“Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17
One of Crown’s core values is to work in unity with other Christian ministries. Biblical wisdom reveals there is strength in community, and that one key to building God’s Kingdom is to not take on any task alone, but in fellowship with other believers.
Our plans are to reach more people with redemptive stewardship training through our alliance partners. Crown currently has over 100 alliance partners or local leaders. Many are in the process of being established as Crown Stewardship Centers. A Crown Alliance Partner is an organization that develops an on-going training initiative to reach outside their walls to train other people and groups to deliver Redemptive Stewardship teaching. They use Crown materials to minister to people in need. Our partners are churches, denominations, businesses, ministries, non-profits, schools, and more. Some of Crown’s alliance partners include: