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How Much is Enough?

Christians should be concerned with providing for their families.  But, how much is enough?

It’s challenging to determine when our finances are in balance. When are we accumulating too much? When have we crossed over the range of provision and begun to protect rather than just provide? How much should we leave our children? How much should we invest or hold for retirement?

The answers to these are different for every family. And, they need to be prayed over and discussed with wise, godly counselors.

We’re to work and provide for our loved ones, but keep a humble dependence on God. Affluence presents the greatest threat to our walk with the Lord: “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be.”

We should also not depend on the government, the church or others when we have the opportunity to advance our education, or the ability to work and provide. Laziness is unacceptable.

Decisions about future provision vary according to the size of our family, their ages, personal aspirations, where we live, our present spending level, future income potential, possible career changes, and most importantly: God’s plan for our life.

His plan will determine necessary lifestyle adjustments.

At the minimum, you should implement a savings plan for upcoming needs and establish an emergency savings plan. Then, you can begin long-term saving and investing.

Remember, God owns everything and only gives us what we can handle. As we prove to be more trustworthy, He entrusts more to us. And, He expects multiplication as seen in the parable of the talents.

We have enough when we can “do good, be rich in good works, be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for ourselves as a good foundation for the future, so that we may take hold of that which is truly life.” (1 Timothy 6:18-19 paraphrased)

Do you need help or encouragement with your finances? To speak to one of our staff members, call Crown at 800-722-1976 or visit