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GIF Pursuing God’s Purpose for Your Life

“Many, O LORD my God, are the wonders you have done. The things you planned for us no one can recount to you; were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare.”
(Psalm 40:5 NIV)

Pursuing God’s Purpose for Your Life
by Chuck Bentley

In Acts 13:36, Paul noted that David “served God’s purpose in his own generation” (NIV). In order to align yourself with God’s purpose for your life, ask yourself some simple questions and be honest in your answers.

Where has God designed you to have an influence? Pay careful attention to where you sense you are naturally bent or equipped to make a difference. Find your giftedness.

What matters most to you? Search your heart, read God’s Word, pray, and spend time in the area of service that you most care about. If you still lack clarity, ask a few trusted friends for their input.

What do you want your life to count for? View your life purpose from an eternal perspective. Then, ask God to make your life count, not only in familiar things but also in new ways that you never could have imagined.

Make discovering and pursuing your purpose a priority.

Larry Burkett created an enduring resource called Career Direct® that will help you discover your gifts, skills, and interests. I highly recommend it.

Daily Scripture Reading:

Matthew 26:30-46
Mark 14:26-42
Luke 22:39-46
John 17:1-18:1