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GIF Financial Discouragement

“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will hold to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.”
(Matthew 6:24)

Financial Discouragement
by Larry Burkett

Perhaps the most consistent area of discouragement for most people is financial failure. Not only are our egos involved with our ability to provide, but our security also is threatened.

Quite often the demonstration of our stewardship is not how much we give but how we react when there isn’t much to give.

With many, if not most Christians, their faith at any given time seems proportional to their material resources. Obviously this is not true for everyone. Some Christians find that in the midst of their most difficult times their faith grows and matures, which is exactly what James says it will do if we abide in Christ (see James 1:2-3).

God’s Word teaches that it is impossible for a Christian to divide loyalties. We can serve but one God. We must decide where our hearts are.

Sometimes God will allow financial crises to come into our lives to give us the opportunity to decide where our loyalties are.

Daily Scripture Reading:

Jeremiah 34:1-22, 49:34-39
Ezekiel 1-3