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Crown Studies on the YouVersion Bible App

More than 200,000 people have experienced God’s principles of Stewardship through the YouVersion App. Partner with us today to equip even more people around the world.


Now on the popular YouVersion Bible app, we have added some of Crown's most popular studies.  Start one of the plans today and invite some friends to join you!

The YouVersion Bible app, available for download at, provides a free Bible on your phone, tablet, or computer that brings God’s Word into your daily life.⠀

Available Devotionals

The financial principles contained in God’s Word have stood the test of time. They are reliable, trustworthy and given for our benefit. There is no higher standard for financial principles than those given by God.

This five-day video study will show you how to begin tackling your debt. It starts with addressing the real issue. (Hint: it's not money.) Then, it introduces practical tools to help you take the first steps.

God cares about our finances and how we use our money, but He also cares about our heart’s condition toward finances. You'll learn what the Bible teaches about saving, giving, retirement, tithing, investing & more.

We live in a world where other beliefs can conflict with that truth— like thinking it's ultimately up to us to "make it happen." This date will help you and your spouse uncover the behaviors that will help you trust God to provide.

Our hope for this study is to give you the opportunity to introduce God’s principles of stewardship to your children in a fun and tangible way through building a stewardship garden together.

This four-part video study will help you to find contentment this season by letting go of expectations and focusing on eternal truths. You will also hear practical tips on navigating pressures and expectations. 

Christmas is a time to pause, ponder, and praise the gift Jesus. Rather than succumbing to the unwanted burden of financial and social obligations, we must intentionally seek stillness to hear the voice of God. This plan will help you focus on what really matters at Christmas.

Youversion Walkinfreedom 01

Because God is the author of truth, His principles for stewardship are true for everyone. Explore His Word and apply it to your life; as you answer these 5 questions: Who am I? Where am I from? Why am I here? What do I have? and How do I use what I have? You will experience “life that is truly life” as you Walk in Freedom.

Did you know marriage is not the cause of your financial problems? It is the very best solution! Learn what God says about money and marriage. Align your values with His, you can agree with your spouse about money. Commit to building your marriage on God’s philosophy of money.

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It's where you can access Crown studies and online tools to help you on your spiritual journey. There are multiple ways to use this platform. Take a class on your own or go through it with others. Meet with a group exclusively online, connect with them in person, or schedule a weekly video call to discuss what you're learning. 

God Provides
Film Series

Through the God Provides™ Film Learning Experience, timeless illustrations will leap off the pages of Scripture and into modern lives to teach how to faithfully live with trust in God, the ultimate Provider. God Provides™ will move hearts and minds with a message of hope.

Devotionals in Spanish

Lo más práctico que podríamos aprender es a aplicar la verdad espiritual a todas nuestras decisiones. Los principios financieros contenidos en la Palabra de Dios han resistido la prueba del tiempo. Son fiables, dignos de confianza y se ofrecen para nuestro beneficio. No existe un estándar más alto para los principios financieros que los dados por Dios.

Convertirse en mayordomos fieles comienza por saber y creer que Dios es nuestro proveedor. Pero vivimos en un mundo donde otras creencias pueden entrar en conflicto con esa verdad. Esta cita con su cónyuge les ayudará a descubrir las creencias y comportamientos que les ayudarán a confiar en que Dios puede satisfacer sus necesidades.