Third John 1:4 says, “I have no greater joy than to see my children walking in the Truth.” Amen to that! I would add my own corollary. I have no greater relief than to see my children able to pay their own way when they become adults. We all want to help our children financially, but […]
People around the world desire to save money for a variety of things like a car, college, wedding, house, vacation, adoption, or to pay off debt. Marie Franklin decided to get serious about saving. Taking the theory of paying herself first she saved every $5 bill that she encountered. And, over a period of 12 […] recently revealed the states where consumers accumulated the greatest revolving debt. Hopefully, you were not among those who woke up regretting the addition of thousands of dollars to your credit cards over the holidays (at a 30% interest rate nonetheless). Minnesota and Wisconsin dominate the list of cities with the top 10 best credit […]
Originally posted on the Christian Post on January 13. Dear Chuck, I mostly like my job, or at least I don’t mind the work, and I’m grateful for it. But I find that some of my coworkers are really the worst part of my day. They can be critical, mocking, annoying, and I find […]
Originally posted on the Christian Post on January 6. Dear Chuck, I read your column about making New Year’s resolutions, and I’ve made mine: Get out of debt. It’s not my first attempt, but I’m hopeful that this time I can do it. I wish I had a more creative tale of woe, but it’s basically […]
In this dark world, we need help to see our way. Psalm 119:105 declares that “God’s Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.” Yet many, who claim to know the Lord, do not rely on this power on a daily basis. Tim Challies at defends personal devotions for […]
All of us have probably purchased something we didn’t need. But, do you know why? Lauren Greutman, gives reasons in an article she wrote for the Huffington Post. Here are a few she discovered, with my solutions to the problem. You want to impress people. Solution: Find your true identity in Christ. Greed and pride […]
A recent article at listed 10 things you should never say in a job interview. Here goes. How much does this job pay? Typically, money is not discussed during the first interview. If, at the end of the session the interviewer should ask what salary you expect, give a realistic range of salaries you can […]
Dear Chuck, My spouse and I are on the opposite sides of Christmas. He’s kind of an Ebenezer Scrooge, doesn’t want to spend any money and thinks most decorating is a waste of time and resources, but I love the excitement of the season, and gift giving is a way I like to show my […]
First of all, protect yourself from advertising overload. Companies know how to play on our emotions to get us to purchase their products. Rather, pray for legacy-building ideas that don’t require money. Intentionally plan a stress-free holiday that allows you to focus on Christ, the best gift of all. What do you have? Think about […]