Dear Chuck, My husband is convinced that we should convert our entire 401k into gold. He’s concerned about several things, including our nation’s debt, the potential of a stock market bust, and now World War III. I am opposed and told him I would ask you to offer us your opinion. Divided Retirees Dear […]
Dear Chuck, I just started my career. Can you give me some simple tips that could help me improve my finances? I really struggle with procrastination. How do I set and meet financial goals? Financial Procrastinator Dear Financial Procrastinator, Congratulations on starting your career and the desire to change the way you manage your […]
Dear Chuck, I am 32 years old and a fairly new believer. I am depressed by my poor handling of money. Can you give me advice to do better with money from a Christian perspective? Struggling with Money Dear Struggling with Money, It is a joy to welcome you to the family of God! […]
Dear Chuck, My husband is seeking a divorce. I am in shock and not sure how I will survive this financially with two young children. I have not worked since we got married. Do you have a guide or advice to help me? Unwanted Divorce Dear Unwanted Divorce, I am so very sorry, and […]
Dear Chuck, I’ve never had an emergency fund. My parents always helped when I got in a bind. Recently, they told me that since I’m 30 and have an established career, it’s time I handle my own financial affairs. So how does an emergency fund work? Seeking Financial Independence Dear Seeking Financial Independence, It […]
Dear Chuck, I am so excited because we’re getting a significant tax refund this year! What are the best uses of these unexpected funds? Rejoicing over Our Refund Dear Rejoicing over Our Refund, It is always exciting to receive unexpected funds! Like you, millions of Americans receive refunds every year. According to IRS data, […]
Dear Chuck, We have always filed our taxes taking the standard deduction. A friend at church suggested I might qualify for a greater deduction because of our increased giving in 2023. What do you think is the best option? Paying Caesar What Is Caesar’s Dear Paying Caesar What Is Caesar’s, Charles Schwab notes that […]
Dear Chuck, My brother wants to have a family reunion at a casino resort. He thinks it is a real bargain. My husband and I are totally opposed. Can you give us some guidance? Not a Gambling Family Dear Not a Gambling Family, First, there are a number of factors here that must be […]
Dear Chuck, I serve on the benevolence committee at my church. Inflation seems to be a common issue. How can we help the hurting during this time without creating dependencies? Helping Without Creating Dependency Dear Helping Without Creating Dependency, Many people suffering from the impact of inflation are hurting because of the symptoms of […]
Dear Chuck, Based on the high cost of retirement housing, we’re considering building an ADU on our property for my parents. We want to make sure it’s a wise investment. They are elderly but healthy and have offered to pay a small rental fee and for all utilities. Do you see this as a good […]